The latest episode, An Invisable Thread picks up where the last episode I Am Sylar, left off with Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman), driving a van with Claire (Hayden Panettiere) in the passenger seat and Angela Petrelli (Cristine Rose) asleep and dreaming in the back. The vehicle approached a police roadblock and a van following Bennet stopped behind their van and the back doors opened and a squad of the Hero catchers came out, surrounding the Bennets and Angela. In the new episode, Noah stops before the road block and advises Claire and Angela to run and help Nathan who Angela says was in danger according to her dream. Noah gives Claire a secure phone and tells her he will call her. When Bennet approaches the road block he is now the only occupant of the van.
Sylar Has "A Dream"
When Sylar (Zachary Quinto) rose from the dead in I Am Sylar, and removed the knife from the back of his head that Danko (Zeljko Ivanek) had stabbed him with in a futile attempt to kill Sylar, he pins Danko against the wall and tells him of his plans to "absorb" Nathan's memories (he apparently took Angela's power), and then set up a meeting with the president so Sylar can morph into the chief executive. Sylar tells him that he plans on taking the President's place. Danko swears that he will never allow that to happen. Sylar replies with a grin that, "In 30 seconds no one on the planet will believe a word you have to say" as he again assumes Danko's form, moves to the door and shoots one or two of the approaching soldiers. As more begin to arrive Sylar transforms into Agent Traub (one of Danko's minions) and yells to the other agents that he has Danko, who is led away cursing Sylar.
Danko Aligns With Noah Bennet
Danko is dropped into a cell where Noah Bennet is also being held after his capture at the road block. They discuss the similarities of their situation and agree that they absolutely have to stop Sylar's plan. As they reach out to shake hands in agreement, they freeze... Hiro has stopped time. Hiro and Ando open the door to the cell containing Danko and Noah Bennet and peer in. They shake their heads and move away (leaving the door open). Hiro pulls aside a curtain and finds dozens of Heroes on gurneys with tubes attached which prevents them from regaining consciousness. They find Doctor Sheref who they revive. Ando notices that Hiro's ear is bleeding...
Escape And Sylar Finds Claire
Ando, Sheref and Hiro put all the guards on the gurneys and help all the Heros imprisoned there to escape. Sheref worries that Hiro cannot continue using his power to freeze time as his body is rejecting his power like a virus. When Hiro leaves, Bennet and Danko unfreeze and see the door is ajar. As the realize that there are no guards, Bennet tells Danko that Hiro must have done it. He tells Danko that there is no way to defeat the Heroes given all the various powers available to them. As Noah frantically calls Claire, he finds her all right, but them discovers the "Claire" that answered the phone was Sylar, who has Claire as his prisoner. He forces Claire to drink wine with him as he discusses the similarities between himself and Claire. Both adopted. Both cannot die. He tells her of the future he sees for them together. "You could be my first, First Lady." But Claire tells him she will never give up on trying to kill him.
Nathan And Peter Battle Sylar

Peter and Nathan Petrelli confront Sylar and Claire is thrown out of the room. As the doors swing shut, Claire rushes to the door and sees the Petrellis and Sylar fighting. Then the fight ends and only Peter is left in the room, bleeding from his face. Claire enters and they leave as they have to find Nathan. After they leave the room, Nathan Petrelli's body is flung to the floor and Sylar floats down (he's taken Nathan's power). Sylar laughs and kills Nathan by slashing his throat. Nathan collapses into a chair and dies (yes, Nathan Pettrelli is dead!).
Sylar Moves On the President
As Peter and Claire rush to the lobby, Noah trains his gun on them demanding to know if it is really Claire and not Sylar. Peter tells him that he just fought Sylar and took his power. Claire assures Noah she is the real Claire. As they discuss what to do now to stop Sylar, government agents rush in and tell them to hit the floor. Noah tells them that the president is in danger, but they are unsure. Claire walks up to one and stands with her head directly on the barrel of the gun and tells him "You are going to listen to me. Now, or after you shoot me."
Sylar, again in Nathan's form, approaches one of the president's aides as they rush the president out of the hotel. The aide had known Nathan in college (seen earlier in the episode), but as this is Sylar, he tells the aide that he has no time left. We see the aide get into the president's limo and is seated across from the President. The aide (Sylar) extends his hand in congratulations on the president escaping and he takes Sylar's hand. Sylar becomes confused and as his face assumes several different faces of those who he has taken before, the president stabs Sylar in the throat with a hypodermic needle. The President turns into Peter Petrelli who tells Sylar as he loses conscioussness, "I bet you didn't think I took that one did you?"
Sylar Becomes Nathan Petrelli, permanently?
As Hiro, Ando, Claire, Peter and Angela watch, Noah Bennet convinces Matt to force the unconscious Sylar to permanently become Nathan Petrelli. Matt grabs Sylar and tells him, Sylar is dead... Gabriel Gray is dead... you are Nathan. Sylar becomes Nathan and wakes up looking at Angela... "Mom?" he asks. Later, we see all together again as they burn the body of the unfortunate shapeshifter (still in Sylar's form). The group drifts apart.

Six weeks later, we see a former Building 26 guard walking into his apartment to an overflowing kitchen sink. As he watches, the water takes the form of Tracy Strauss (Ali Larter) who was killed (or was she) by Danko several episodes ago helping Rebel escape Danko's men. She grins at the man saying "You're number four!"
Later we see Nathan Petrelli reading about a "Fourth Mysterious Drowning" and his mother, Angela walks in asking about their plans for lunch. Nathan seems a little distant, fixating on a clock in a cabinet. He is irritated by the clock for losing a minute here and there and adjusts the hand of the clock. He walks out with Angela (who looks a little distraught herself, as it all began with watchmaking with Sylar).