Zachary Quinto will be playing a big part in next season's Heroes, and the events are starting take shape in this episode. In case you aren't aware, Sylar (Zachary Quinto) has continued acquiring additional powers as he kills and absorbs the various skills of Heroes in this past season.
The most recent, has been the ability to shapeshift.
In the latest episode entitled "I Am Sylar" he discovers that his latest ability is causing him to lose himself. The episode opens with the Petrelli clan and Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman) at a non-descript diner trying to figure out what they are going to do. Nathan (Adrian Pasdar) says that he is going to "take ownership of what he has done and go bakc to Washington and speak to the President." Claire (Hayden Panettiere) mentions "It looks like you already have" and motions toward to TV in the diner. Nathan is addressing the nation on a live broadcast. He is saying that he has tried to discuss his plan to fix the country and make America the great power it once was, but has been rebuffed at every turn. He claims "the President talks about change but he really is just supporting the status quo" and he, Petrelli, will change things for the better. He turns and grins at the camera and we see Nathan looking downcast. "Who is that?" asks Nathan. And Noah replies, "It's Sylar."
18 Hours Earlier
We see a man wake up and look at a mirror. He has a puzzled look and then changes into Sylar, but with difficulty. He pulls a bloody wisdom tooth from his mouth and asks "Who are you?" to his reflection.

Meanwhile, Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg) holding little Matt junior, talks on a pay phone to his ex-wife Janice (Lisa Lackey), and promising to bring little Matt back to her shortly. Hiro (Masi Oka) and Ando (James Kyson Lee) approach him and ask for his help to break into building 26, but Matt declines. "This is not the Matt Parkman we know" says Hiro. Matt tells them he wants to be around for Matt junior's first steps and his first baseball game. "This little guy is a game changer," he says smiling as he holds his son aloft. As he gets into his car to drive away, he tells Hiro and Ando to forget about building 26. What are their plans? To freeze time, then what? The agents will still be alive and they will hurt Hiro and Ando, or worse. They look downcast as Matt drives away.
Danko (Zeljko Ivanek) approaches Sylar as he sits on a park bench. He tries to convinces him to re-assume the form of agent Traub on his team, "so he can come and go. As Sylar, I'll be forced to hunt you down." But Syler tells Danko that he went to bed himself, but woke up as someone else. He is worried that when he is losing himself a bit when he re-configures his DNA. But, Sylar agrees to help Danko and changes shape. After Danko leaves, Sylar cut into his arm "I Am Sylar" but it heals almost at once (but with slight scarring...)
Let's Go, Batman!
Ando gets captured by agents but Hiro escapes but allows them to take Ando. Hiro dresses as one of the smaller agents (black mask etc) and freezes time while in the van so he can wake Ando and tell him to play possum. When he un-freezes time, one of the other agents asks Hiro about his glasses but Ando zaps him. As they leave the van, Hiro says plan B as he grabs a GPS from an unconscious agent. "Let's go Batman!" says an excited Hiro and Ando says "It's Crimson Arc" (Ando's wannabe superhero nickname).
Rebel Meets Sylar
Sylar meanwhile acquires another ability. He arrives ahead of Danko's men and takes the ability of another. This time it is a man (Rance Howard) who with a snap of his fingers can make an object dissolve into nothingness. A potentially lethal new ability for Sylar. As Danko and his team arrive to capture this man, they hear a scream as Sylar slices open his head. When they get in the room, he is dead, lying on the ground. Scrawled on the wall in his latest victim's blood is "I Am Sylar."

Next Danko comes for Micah (Noah Gray-Cabey), but once again Sylar is there first. He decides to spare Micah, (later he tells Danko that "with all the new abilities he has swimming in his head, talking to machines seemed like... overkill." Micah, later at Sylar's home, wakes up to arguing voices. He looks on as Sylar has a conversation with his dead mother, and very creepily turns into his dead mother when she speaks and back to Sylar when he replies. When he spots Micah watching him, he tells Micah to leave now before he kills him. Micah tries to reason with Sylar, that he is "one of us" and that Sylar is special and that he can "save all the Heroes." But Sylar tells him to leave and that if he ever sees him again, he will surely kill him.
Sylar Dies Yet Again
Cut to Nathan Petrelli's office and Nathan rummaging through his desk. Sylar, asks what Nathan is looking for and when he turns around, he sees himself. He insists that Sylar will fool no one and that he needs to get out of Nathan's body. Sylar obliges, but says he isn't going to be Nathan, but he will be better than Nathan. At this point Sylar gets prepared to slice into Nathan's skull, but Danko appears and shoots Nathn in the back with tranqualers darts. Danko tells Sylar to transform back into agent Traub. When Sylar walk out of the washroom still as Sylar, Danko asks him what he thinks he is doing. Sylar replies, "I don't care anymore what you want" and starts to walk away. He stops short. He turns to Danko who has thrown a knife into the back of Sylar's skull and he falls to the floor dead.
Danko calls for a cleanup crew. That should be it right? Sylar was hit in the "sweet spot" as Danko called it. The only sure way of killing him. But Sylar stirs, stands up and pulls the bloody knife out, and looks at Danko and says "That hurt!" as he stares intently at Danko.
How can Sylar be stopped?
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