I just found out that CNBC's Melissa Francis was on Little House On The Prairie. You remember that show right? Ma & Pa Ingalls, Mellisa "Half-Pint" Gilbert, and mean old Nelly Olsen. I just found out on Twitter, Sara Gilbert (The Big Bang Theory) and her sister Melissa (the afore-mentioned "half-pint") are on Twitter and I somehow staggered onto this little bit of info. Melissa Francis (yes, that's her in the pictures, now and then) is one of the resident "news-babes" appearing usually around 11am-noon on CNBC. Sometimes I think I must be living under a rock. Francis was the cute little Missy Francis who played Cassandra Cooper-Ingalls during the last part (1981-82) of Little House On The Prairie. I just started on Twitter a few days ago myself and I'm into a whole new world. There are lots of famous and infamous people using Twitter and posting humorous (and sometimes not so humorous) tidbits about the world around them.
Twitter has been growing by leaps and bounds. It is being helped along in it's growing period with such celebs as Ashton Kutcher (he's "aplusk" on Twitter and surprisingly funny, and posts frequently), Demi Moore is there too. But don't just try to link to the famous. There are thousands of others on the site with sometimes brilliant and witty things to say in their 140 character limit. Me, I'm simply, "Hey_Bradshaw" so link to me too if you want. My little band of followers cannot compete with Kutcher's army (1,600,000-plus and growing), but it is fun, informative and costs only some of your time. But it is addictive! And Melissa Francis is there too (she's "MelissaCNBC"), so maybe you can follow her Tweets as well.
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