Claire and Nathan land in Mexico. Peter and Angela Petrelli land in an alley. Syler visits Danko and they decide to "pool their resources." Danko tries to reel in Noah because of his 20 years experience rounding up the heroes. Noah suggests to Danko that Sylar is in Washington, but Danko assigns the capture of Angela Petrelli rather than having Sylar slip through Noah's fingers again. Claire pawns a necklace Noah gave to her for some fast cash and Nathan tries to increase their stake with a drinking game against a group of drunken american college students.
Danko receives a phone call from Sylar that the Hero he is hot on the trail of is a shapeshifter, who escapes by assuming the form of a janitor and runs out of an underground garage losing Danko and his henchmen on the rainy streets of D.C. Nathan, meanwhile, loses at the game and loses their money. Claire attempts to win back their money by increasing the stakes.
Danko's Deal With The Devil
Danko confronts Sylar who convinces him that he is just one photo on the board, but Danko can round up all the heroes with Sylar's assistance. Peter, meanwhile. prays in a church where he and his mother Angela seek sanctuary. Danko's men enter the church searching for the Petrellis, but Noah finds them and tells the men that Angela and Peter are gone.
Sylar, along with Danko find the shapeshifter right at the local bar that Sylar deduced he would find him and points him out to Danko: "I think you'll recognize him." The shapeshifter spots them and moves off to the bar while Danko and Sylar discuss why he took the persona he has, and Danko notices that he is gone again. But they find him again, and capture the shapeshifter, and with Sylar moving in to do his usual operation, Danko asks if he can "do it, without, you know?" So a grinning Sylar leans in and stares intently at the frightened shapeshifter who has assumes Sylar's shape.
Angela convinces Peter that they have to visit her sister. Claire and Nathan decide to return to the states. Danko shows Noah Sylar's dead body with a knife in the back of his head, leading Noah to believe that Sylar has finally been vanquished.
Later, a female operative sits in Danko's car with him and transforms back into Sylar. "It will make it easier for us to operate if everyone thinks I'm dead" says Sylar as he checks his face to see that he has this new very interesting ability.
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