Have you been watching the show Heroes? I've been watching since the beginning, and this season hasn't really measured up IMHO. At the start of the season, the good guys became kinda bad and the bad guys, well, you know.
Claire (the cheerleader), tried to be a butt-kicking aniti-hero, but that just didn't work out for her. In the last episode she was targeted by Nathan Petrelli's group but Claire was warned by a tect message from Rebel that her "free pass" had lapsed. This was because Emile Danko had discovered her biological father could fly. He did this by pushing Nathan Petrelli out a window and watching as Nathan stopped falling and fly off to safety.
Oh, in case you haven't picked up Heroes seasons one and two, here's a couple of links that will allow you to do so.
Heroes - Season One
Heroes: Season 2
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