I just finished watching Heroes and it looks like Hiro has finally recovered his powers. But not quite. Hiro and Ando were at the home of Matt Parker's ex-wife, Janice, and alerting her that her infant son was in danger. Janice of course doesn't believe them until Hiro asks if Janice has noticed if her baby was "special" which she cannot deny. She has her baby touch the TV screen and it comes on by itself. As Hiro and Ando explain that her child is being hunted by government agents, there's a knock on the door.
Toddler Touch And Go
And it's some generic government types asking that Janice and her son accompany them as Matt Parker is in custody again and they need her and her son for questioning. She pretends that the baby is at the babysitters and that she would take them to him, but the agents decide to barge in and the military-clad army guys scope the house. Ando zaps one of them but is knocked unconscious. Hiro cradles young Matt who touches Hiro's cheek. Hiro then notices he has stopped time and he is elated at receiving his powers again. He starts calling the child "toddler touch and go" and tries to teleport the baby, himself and a prone Ando to safety, but he finds he can't. He runs outside and gets a wheelbarrow to carry Ando to safety, and pushes him 12 miles to safety. At this time Hiro re-animates everyone and explains what just happened to a surprised Ando. Little Toddler Touch and Go jumpstarted only some of Hiro's powers.
Rebel Is Revealed!
For the last several episodes, someone has been text messaging Clair and contacting Traci Strauss using the code name "Rebel" who helps Traci, Matt and Dr. Suresh escape from Building 26, where several of the Heroes have been stashed by Danko (including the Puppeteer, Eric Doyle). Traci is contact through a bank machine and provided money and a note to go to Union Station, where she is met by Rebel, who turns out to be...
I can't tell you that! You need to watch Heroes to find out who the mysterious Rebel is, but from the clues I've provided (or if you too just watched Cold Snap) you should be able to figure it out.
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