Monday, August 30, 2010

Everything You Missed Last Season On How I Met Your Mother

Here's your chance to catch up on everything you missed during last season's How I Met Your Mother. This comes at just the right time as HIMYM will be starting their sixth season on September 20th. Basically, Ted Moseby is still looking for Mrs Right. Barney and Robin are no longer together, much to the chagrin of Barney. Lily and Marshall are looking to make an addition to their family after seeing the Barney doppleganger. The dobblegangers were a whole thing last season, and Marshall (Jason Segel) and Lily (Alyson Hannigan) wanted to wait til they saw the alternative Barney before embarking on parenthood.

It turns out that the cabbie was Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) afterall just trying to score chicks. Jennifer Lopez guest starred as Barney's latest love interest as he and Robin (Cobie Smulders) cooled things off and Robin started dating her co-worker at the news station.

As a side note, Neil Patrick Harris scored an Emmy for his guest role on the hit series Glee. And How I Met Your Mother: Season 5 is on sale for pre-order but not available until Sept 15 - five days before the new season starts, so you'll really be all caught up.

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