I used to love watching CNBC's various shows as they discussed the latest moves of the big money people and trials and tribulations of the stock market. I even have grown able to listen to Jim Cramer as he screams at the camera (buy!BUY!BUY!!!) or (sell! SELL! SELL!!). What I do not like is when they have two or three of their so-called "commentators" discussing the latest twists and turns and policy decisions and they leap at the chance to interrupt and talk over each other ALL THE TIME. There is nothing so off-putting as trying to listen to someone make a point and then someone else snap at the first words out of the other person's mouth and trying to dominate the conversation. People - Just Shut Up And Let The Other Guy Make His Or Her Point. There's no need to jump all over someone all day long and every time they open their mouth.
One guy really gets on my nerves is Charlie Gasparino. I love his stuff. He can go from intelligent commentary to arrogant SOB in seconds flat when he spars with various CNBC regulars and seems to take a lot of glee in trying to shout down Dennis Kneale (Gasparino displays an almost venomous dislike for the guy) as well as Steve Liesman. Charlie needs to chill. He can make points without trying to destroy the other people who disagree with his opinion. That's right, OPINION. That's what commentary is. They are there to provide commentary, not a verbal brawl. It's supposed to be a talk show about money - that's it.
And get rid of Larry Kudlow. He is even more annoying than Jim Cramer. Kudlow is so much the creaky voice of the republican party and basic right wing viewpoints that it gets in the way of the actual story when he is on. I don't give a crap if he was a member of Ronald Reagan's government, Kudlow is another one who just needs to shut up and listen. His conservative viewpoint was soundly beaten in the last election and if he is doing a show that's supposed to provide NEWS, then he needs to tone down his rhetoric and stop harping about "bailout nation" and how Barack Obama's election foretells the end of the world. Well maybe ol' Larry needs to realize that a news program is about the news. His old show got cancelled because no one wanted to watch him spout off and rant about the dangers of the democratics taking power. All he does is yell his commentary and try to push a conservative agenda as he introduces people and talk over others when they make an opposing viewpoint. If he couldn't cut it as the lead on a show devoted to conservative views, he shouldn't be doing it on a financial news show.
Basically, I want to watch CNBC to see what's going on in the markets and what companies are making news. I have absolutely NO interest in watching a cage match with 5-10 participants all trying to out-shout each other. It seems CNBC loves this type of format, sort of if it "makes for good TV", but it makes for lousy reporting and a poor quality news show.
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